Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
random photoes
Friday, June 12, 2009
tagged by jiawei ( if U dont fund your name your name, scrold down and look for the other tagged ()
All 21 people that are listed out must do this tag unless you don't have a blog.Write the names of 21 friends you can think of right now.Then answer the following questions, if you don't know the real answer, say you're guessing
1. joseph
2. wei siang
3. Joli
4. Bryan
5. Zhichung
6. minern
7. Daniel
8. edlyn
9. aileen
10. zi ying
11. cassandra
12. gee ken
13. chein han
14.hui min
15. xiu pei
16. ben yew( if he wants to do it)
17. rachel
18.eric( if he wants to do it)
19. jason mraz
20. kelly clarkson
21. superman
How did you meet 13 ?
What would you do if 4and 5 dated?
Have you seen 11 cry?
Would 18 and 19 make a good couple?
Do you think 2 is attractive?
im not GAY
What is 15's favorite colour?
pink ( gay colour )
When was the last time you talked to 12?
erm... thats a long time ago
What language does 16 speak?
GAY language
Who is 21 going out with?
super woman la :D
Would you ever date 14?
Does 17 secretly dream about 10?
lessssbion !!!!!
What is the BEST thing about 20?
sings well :P
What would you like to tell 18 right now?
do the tagged
Does 9 wanna be gay?
dono ask her
Have you ever kissed 8?
What is the best memory you have of 6?
When is the next time you're gonna see 7?
whenever I want to cause his house is so close :P
How is 3 different that 4?
one is tall one is short one is big one is small one is a girl one is has long hair the other has short hair :)
Is 1hot?
NO!!!!! looking at him is spoiling my eyes =P
What was your first impression of 11?
sneezes very loud? :D
How did you meet 12?
erm... forgot edi ;D
Is 20 your best friend?
Do you hate 18?
why should I hate anyone??? xP
Have you seen 6 in the last month?
erm... did I??
Would 5 eat something that you cooked?
depens if it is nice he will eat it =D
Have you been to 21's house?
nope :P
When is that next time you will see 14?
Are you in love with 15?
Have you been to the movies with 16?
Have you gotten in trouble with 7?
erm... we did evil stuff but his was the kp so we didnt get catch :P
Would you give 8 a hug?
whats the reason to??? =.=
Has 2 ever lied to you on purpose?
yeah he told me he dint like ********* till I tricked him :)
Is 19 good at flirting?
Do you know a secret about 17?
of corse /of corse not
Describe the relationship between 18 and 19?
What's the best thing about your friendship with 16?
is not bald ( not yet) :P
Have you ever slept with 9
NO!!!!!!! so wrong -.-
How long have you known 1?
3 years
Does 3 have a boyfriend?
Have you ever wanted to punch 18 in the face?
if I had a reason to:P
Does 9 want to meet your parents?
How did you meet 10?
by benjamin khoo xP (cause thats bens gf ) JKjk
Do you purposely physically hurt 5?
if he disturbe me yes xD
Do you live close to 13?
What is 6's favourite food?
dono something adible :)
What kinda of car does 11 have?
toy car:D
Have you travelled anywhere with 15?
If you give 12 one million bucks, what would she/he do with it?
buy books and fill his house :P
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
a tagged request
rules: no looking at questions before arrangeing the names.
1. what is your relation with the person who tagged you?
erm... im that person
2. how did you know him/her
I think I should skip these qusetions3. what would you do if he/she punched you
im not crazy
4. what do you know about him/her?
5. what do you hate about him/her?
6. what is your impression of him/her is
7. what was the most memorable that he/she has ever done for you?
8. what is the most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
9. how are you feeling now?
10. pick 15 friends you wish to tag(odd number for girls and even number for guys)
4.zhi chung
10.wei siang
11.shao wen
12.jia gin
14.kum fong( if he wants to do it)
11. what is number 3 studiying about?
no idea
12. what does 7 like?
erm.... god???? :P
13. what do you think about 1
I nice friend? :)
14. what if 2 and 7 got married
wont happen not even in farytails (toobad)
15. what would you do if 13 fights with you?
punch her durrr.... JKJK :P
16. what if 1 marries 4
whoa I must ask one of them. Dang!!! thay are not on9
17. what does 12 like to do?
grandma pron xD
18. what would you buy for 8 on his b day?
slimming mechine :P
20. what does 15 like?
dono..cute stuff maby?
21. what if 6 and 7 gets married?
ooo.. bryan is gona tell his children "I dropped mummy before"
22.what if 14 marries 11
they don't know each other
23. what if 5 is lesbion
no suprise xP
24. what if U see 13 kissing 14?
they dont know each other
25. what do you like about 5,6,7,8,9 and 10?
they are not as hot as me :)
26.when was the last time you talked with 10?
27.Does 9 have any siblings?
er... 1 bro maby 2 bro or maby... erm.. I dono
28.What is the surname of number 12?
29. what do you call 3?
30. where does 15 live?
beside daniel :P did you know 8?
cause he gave me a rabbit :)
32.where does 11 live?
somewhere near giant I think.
33.what does 9 like?
34.what pet does 5 have
er...lizards ?
35. what do you hate about this tag?
too long
Friday, June 5, 2009
some way see it this way

some of you may see him as a cute little boy but...... HIS a monster. But however his the star cause he used the best word in the world. IM BORED!!!!! his Ju-Wen ong Ju-Liens bro. Ju-Lien brought his bro to watch the tournement but....I lost T.T first time loseing in a tournement in 15 years. anywayz its just a friendly bleach tournement.