go basket ball so fun. we went to some park near Jer house.i went 45 minutes early.So boring during the 45 minutes.I called joseph but..... he took 30 minutes to come.anyway Joseph,Justin,Shaowen and Jerrica came at the same time. So we walked to yuk chai. On the way I saw zhichung and pn puah.OMG....Shao wen cant cycle a bike. she cycled and almost drop many times. She said I fall I kill U (me and ah chung when we chased her) when I cycled, my shoe lace got stuck yo the peddle and I fell ...............****** bike.anywaiz we played basket ball. Justin ,shao wen and Jerrica in one team and in the other team it was meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.ahchung and jojo.we kalah teruk 6:2 cause we( not me ) sux . but I aso sux cause I got 8 er.. I mean 12 but now 14 packs lol.......<===rubbish i to strong I throw above the thingi i mean high above thingi
then we went to 7-11 I and jo drank shandy and zhichung didnt know how to use the slurppy thingi.he was like nooooooooooooo too much then he drank it up. then i wan some more then he filled it up again then too much then drank it up again .they tought I was drunk.
JERRICA:jo>since when you drink beer wan ah?
ME:since i introduce it to Joseph
JOSEPH:no lah,since i introduce it to you
JUSTIN:see shi wen take so long to finish it. joseph already finish long time ago.
(I drank up the shandy)
ME:i finish it already.
JERRRICA:omg. face red anot? waras anot? hahaha
JUSTIN:his face is red hahaha
JERRICA:whats your name? boy or girl? hahaha
ME:U dono meah.. the onli thing is I damn HOT
JER:omg! he doesn't know his name!
*everyone starts laughing*
ME:since i introduce it to Joseph
JOSEPH:no lah,since i introduce it to you
JUSTIN:see shi wen take so long to finish it. joseph already finish long time ago.
(I drank up the shandy)
ME:i finish it already.
JERRRICA:omg. face red anot? waras anot? hahaha
JUSTIN:his face is red hahaha
JERRICA:whats your name? boy or girl? hahaha
ME:U dono meah.. the onli thing is I damn HOT
JER:omg! he doesn't know his name!
*everyone starts laughing*
so the conclution is that im not drunk but HOT! :)
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