Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i dont swear so I didnt know the uses of swearing. but, i finnaly found out that swearing is very useful. for example the word F*ck
this word has many uses for good way and the bad way.
it also has many meanings.

1. F*uck you
when you are angry at someone

2. what the F*uck
to replace what the hell

3. F*uck yourself
to ask a horny person to get lost

4. F*uck off
to ask someone to go away

5. F*uck him/her
to show anger at someone els

6. F*uck wei
when something bad happened

7. omfg

8. F*uck
you know

9. F*ucker
to scold someone

10. F*uckiing.......
to express the next word if very in not good enaugh

example :

the whole world :F*uck you lewis
lewis chong :whos this lewis guy U speak of

hokhai suddenly apears
xiu pei : what the F*uck

daniel ong : F*uck yourself
dogs( see pic below) :woof woof !!!

hokhai : hi! :)
lydia : F*uck off

me : **** that arvind la

me : **** wei Arvind is gay

***** : omfg that ******** is damn annoying hope he dies
(I cant giv the names of these ppl)

arvind : lets ****
tek young : yeah!!

chester : pn lim F*uckerF*uckerF*uckerF*uckerF*uckerF*ucker

lewis chong : you look F*uckiing gay and its a compliment
jeffry goh :yay tytytyty

so.... tell someone F*CK

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